Adult Integration & Work Readiness Programme

    • 2023 – R5775.00 per month. A non-refundable deposit of R1000.00 is required to secure a place.
    • 12 months x R 5775.00 = R69 300.00
    • Total cost for the year is R69 300.00
  • Scholarships are available to students in need where there is no / limited family income. A scholarship application form will need to be completed and is reviewed and approved or declined by The Living Link Board members.


The Job Coach

The Living Link recommends that a job coach sensitises the co-workers before the member commences with work.

We suggest 6 initial job-coaching sessions of 1 hour in the first month. This is dependent on the adult, their abilities and the company’s procedures and can differ for each individual. Thereafter 2 hours of job coaching per month for the next 3 months and a 1 hour session per month thereafter for the remainder of a year’s period. If further job coaching is required this is easily negotiated.

We do not charge a placement fee to companies. Job Coaching is charged out at @ R850.00 per hour.

Employers Costs

Job identification or job carving (usually 1 session)R850.00 p/h
Job analysis (usually 1 session)R850.00 p/h
Job interview (1 session)R850.00 p/h
Sensitisation (usually 1 session)R850.00 p/h
HR Mentorship and support sessionsR850.00 p/h
Monthly job coaching sessions for 1st 12 months (1 hour)R850.00 p/h
Travelling expenses for coachR4.50 p/km

NOTE: The Living Link and the employer agree that the maximum cost charged by The Living Link for the 1st year of placement shall not exceed R 18 000. These costs exclude travel expenses.

Additional requirements if needed

Job counselling (with employer)R850.00 p/h
Crisis ManagementR850.00 p/h
If Job Description changesR850.00 p/h

Job Placement Fees for Candidates

  • Placement in employment – once off finder’s fee of R2500.00 if salary is higher than R3500.00 per month and R1500.00 if salary is lower than R3500.00.
  • Contract employment placement fee – once off finder’s fee of R1500.00 if contract is longer than three months in duration and salary is more than R3500.00 per month.
  • Contract employment placement fee – once off finder’s fee of R1000 if contract is longer than 3 months in duration and salary is less than R3500 per month


2023 – R700 per year


    • Access to Independent Living facilitation / support @ R350 – R450 per visit
  • Crisis / emergency management @ R850 per hour